责任编辑:张玉央广网嘉兴10月20日消息(记者陈锐海 曹露浩)10月20日下午,第六届世界互联网大会发布了《世界互联网发展报告2019》(以下简称《报告》)。《报告》对五大洲互联网发展具有代表性的48个国家进行分析、评估、排名。结果显示,中国互联网发展水平排名第二,仅次于美国。
QIAN YingyiAbstract:The value of education lies not only in knowledge acquisition, but also in the development of the ways of thinking, including most importantly critical thinking and creative thinking. In theory, critical thinking has two dimensions of development in skillsets and mindsets; and creative thinking depends on three factors: knowledge, curiosity and imagination, and value orientation. In practice, Tsinghua SEM provides two cases in focus: the 9-year experience on education in critical thinking in its undergraduate programs, and the 5-year exploration of Tsinghua x-lab on education in creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The article also discusses possible impact of technological progresses on education and provides suggestions on promoting critical thinking and creative thinking education in China.